6  Barron

Barron County (pop. 41,000) was politically competitive in the 2000s, but it has grown increasingly Republican since then. Barack Obama won 53% of the vote in 2008. Mitt Romney won just over 50% in 2012. Trump won 60% in 2016 and 62% in 2020. Compared to the state as a whole, Barron County is more white, older, has lower levels of educational attainment, and generally lower median incomes.

6.1 Demographics

6.2 county election results

Click each column name to sort its values.

6.3 municipality election results

In recent years, Republican candidates have usually won every municipality in Barron County, but Democratic candidates are sometimes competitive in places like the City of Cumberland or the City of Rice Lake. Income and poverty ranges widely throughout the county. The Town of Rice Lake (pop. 2,800) has a median income of $80,000 and a 2% poverty rate. The similarly populous City of Cumberland (pop. 2,700) is much poorer, with a median income of $43,000 and a poverty rate of 29%.

This map shows the location of each municipality in the county, as it existed in 2022.

These dot plots show the most recent election results in each municipality.

To more clearly illustrate recent changes in municipality voting trends, these scatterplots compare the most recent vote for president and senator with the shift from that office’s previous election.

These maps show show every election result since 2000 in each municipality.

Click each column name to sort its values.

6.4 Appendix

6.4.1 detailed county results

6.4.2 detailed municipality results