70  Washington

Washington County (pop. 137,000) is a suburban county in the Milwaukee metro, part of the suburban “WOW” counties along with Waukesha to its south and Ozaukee to its east. Washington’s population is 91% white. Its educational attainment is similar to the state as a whole, but its median household income is much higher than typical. Politically, the county is a Republican stronghold–showing few of the signs of Trump-era weakness for the Republican party common among other suburban communities.

70.1 Demographics

70.2 county election results

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70.3 municipality election results

The City of West Ben (pop. 32,000) is the largest Washington County municipality, followed by the Village of Germantown (pop. 21,000). Every community in the county leans strongly Republican; although, both West Bend and Germantown have seen some recent shifts toward Democrats in presidential and gubernatorial races.

This map shows the location of each municipality in the county, as it existed in 2022.

These dot plots show the most recent election results in each municipality.

To more clearly illustrate recent changes in municipality voting trends, these scatterplots compare the most recent vote for president and senator with the shift from that office’s previous election.

These maps show show every election result since 2000 in each municipality.

Click each column name to sort its values.

70.4 Appendix

70.4.1 detailed county results

70.4.2 detailed municipality results