34  Kewaunee

Kewaunee County (pop. 21,000) is located just south of Door County, along Lake Michigan. Its population is 94% white and just a fifth of residents over 24 have a college degree. The median income is higher than the state average and the poverty rate is lower. Politically, the county has become strongly Republican over the past decade.

34.1 Demographics

34.2 county election results

Click each column name to sort its values.

34.3 municipality election results

The largest municipality is Algoma City (pop. 3,200), followed by Kewaunee City (pop. 2,800), and Luxembourg Village (pop. 2,700). The City of Algoma is unusual among these municipalities in that it has actually moved in a Democratic direction over the last several election cycles. After voting for Scott Walker in 2014, it narrowly supported Tony Evers in 2018 before giving Evers a larger margin of victory in 2022.

This map shows the location of each municipality in the county, as it existed in 2022.

These dot plots show the most recent election results in each municipality.

To more clearly illustrate recent changes in municipality voting trends, these scatterplots compare the most recent vote for president and senator with the shift from that office’s previous election.

These maps show show every election result since 2000 in each municipality.

Click each column name to sort its values.

34.4 Appendix

34.4.1 detailed county results

34.4.2 detailed municipality results