69  Washburn

Washburn County (pop. 17,000) is located in northwestern Wisconsin. Its population is 93% white and much older than average. Relatively few adult residents have a college degree. The county was politically competitive during the 2000s, but it shifted to the right during the 2010s.

69.1 Demographics

69.2 county election results

Click each column name to sort its values.

69.3 municipality election results

Washburn County includes five communities with populations between 1,000 and 2,100. The are the cities of Spooner and Shell Lake and the towns of Minong, Evergreen, and Bashaw. Spooner and Shell Lake are politically competitive–occasionally voting for both parties during recent cycles. The remaining communities have voted more consistently Republican.

This map shows the location of each municipality in the county, as it existed in 2022.

These dot plots show the most recent election results in each municipality.

To more clearly illustrate recent changes in municipality voting trends, these scatterplots compare the most recent vote for president and senator with the shift from that office’s previous election.

These maps show show every election result since 2000 in each municipality.

Click each column name to sort its values.

69.4 Appendix

69.4.1 detailed county results

69.4.2 detailed municipality results